Allright the glitch of November may take you a while to get to this point in the game but is definetly worth knowing about. You have to have beaten the Theives Guild Quests. In the end you end up receiving the Gray Fox's Mask and becoming the new Gray Fox, The action of putting on his mask is like becoming a whole different person, kind of like split personalities. When you put it on people treat you differently, and guards attack you. But back to the glitch. Because you are known as the Gray Fox, you can do whatever you want, when you want, in front of somebody including a guard, because when you take it off and put up your shield (when and if you are getting attacked) and try speaking to the guard. He acts like nothing is wrong. When you do things wrong, it is the Gray Fox that is doing it not you. Overall just put on your mask and kill or steal something or someone, once you did that if a guard is coming after you than take off your mask and put up your sheild and try talking to the guard and everything goes back to normal.